Jonah Paquette is a psychologist, happiness and wellbeing expert, an author, and an international speaker. His first two books, Real Happiness, and The Happiness Toolbox focus on positive psychology and strategies for enhancing well-being.
He really is a happiness expert, with a Psy.D. from Stanford University to back it up. This episode features a lively discussion about what happiness is, what well-being means, and why these things even matter.
Jonah and Melanie also talk about the place of happiness and well-being in these charged times.
And if you want even more about happiness, listen in to next week's episode, which is all about awe.
Dr. Jonah Paquette is a keynote speaker at the upcoming US Journal virtual conference in Santa Fe.
31st Santa Fe Conference: Integrating Spirituality, Compassion, and Mindfulness in Mental Health and Addiction
Conference Dates: August 3-5, 2020 - Virtual Conference!
Slowing down for happiness, even in hard times, is the focus. Melanie shares thoughts on happiness and mindfulness from the renowned Buddhist psychologist Jack Kornfield. Published on UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center website, she discusses an enlightening interview with Kornfield.
As Kornfield says, "falling into despair is not a response that helps anyone." Melanie shares his ideas about happiness and suffering and compassion and caring.
Gratitude and appreciation are deep dimensions of happiness. Joy is a moral force. And paying attention is what helps us feel the emotions of gratitude and joy.
Melanie shares UC Berkeley's ten keys to individual and community well-being, which are:
Today's episode is a quieter one, with Melanie sharing her thoughts, as well as those of Jack Kornfield.
UC Berkeley's 10 keys to wellbeing, with free quizzes for each, here
Dr. Wendy Johnson is the guest in this fasten-your-seat-belt episode. She's an M.D., with a Master’s degree in public health from Johns Hopkins. She's worked on health projects in Mozambique, Vietnam, the Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Haiti, and several South American countries.
Currently, Wendy Johnson is the medical director for La Familia Medical Center in Santa Fe.
Wendy's story helps illustrate the beauties and challenges of change at the public health level. Did you know that the community health center movement grew out of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, emerging out of South Africa? Melanie didn't. But Wendy does.
She and Melanie talk about the social determinants of health, that people can't be healthy when ecosystems aren't well, and what sort of mindset change is needed to shift our thinking.
The place of happiness in such times as these is also discussed, along with the power of creative exploration and creative processing.
Wendy's got a big mind, with an incredible richness of international experience in public and community health. It's a rich show, as a result.
Popular guest Doug Lynam continues to offer terrific ideas and creative solutions about dealing with our money in challenging times.
Doug is an investment advisor, financial expert, and author of the book From Monk to Money Manager. He and Melanie talked about a recent New York Times article about financial anxiety.
Other topics include catastrophic thinking, personal financial opportunities in the pandemic, connections between money and happiness, and the "Holy Trinity of Financing".
As always when Doug's the guest, it's a fun, fast-paced, and informative episode.